Jan Ortmann wrote:

I'm writing documents for my project site using OpenOffice (1.1.4) and the provided Forrest styles from the OpenOffice template, e.g. Forrest:Source for sourcecode. However I couldn't get a proper identation in the generated HTML and PDFs. I've tried to indent the code with tabs and with spaces. There is also no box around the sourcecode.

I'm using Forrest 0.6. Any ideas?

The OOo support needs work. Can you help? Yes you can, by helping us diagnose the problem and, if you have the skills and time providing a patch once we've found the issue.

First, lets diagnose the problem. If you request filename.xml rather than filename.html you will be shown the XDoc that Forrest generates from your document. Can you do that and fee what your Forrest:source content looks like. Post a snippet of the resulting code here if you can.

Note, in 0.7 the OOo stuff is migrating out to a plugin. This will make it much easier to work with.
