>Grandia, Gerco wrote:
>>>Grandia, Gerco wrote:
>>>>Hi guys,
>>>>We're using Forrest for a couple of months now and we're quite happy

>>>>with it, but lately we're getting 'Unrecognized file format'
>>>>exceptions when retrieving certain pages. These pages work fine when
>> I
>>>>am using the in-built forrest web server, but on the production
>> system
>>>>(with Tomcat) it keeps on bugging me. I have searched the internet
>> but
>>>>found very little information about this, although it seems a common
>> issue.
>>>>Sorry if I am posting a Cocoon question here, but even if the only
>> way
>>>>to solve it is to upgrade to a newer version of Cocoon, then I still

>>>>would like now how to do it, because the upgrade procedure described

>>>>is Unix/Linux based and we are working on a Windows box.
>>>We are going to need much more information that this.
>>>Most importantly are you serving the site statically or dynamically?
>>>(I assume dynamic since you mention Tomcat)
>>>In addition it would help to know:
>>>What kind of files are they?
>>>What are they generated from?
>>>Do you have any special processing on your system (i.e. a custom
>> sitemap)?
>> Thanks for your time.
>> 1) Yes, we are serving the site dynamically.
>> 2) The files are plain (xml) text files (xdoc), according to 
>> http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd.
>OK that's the source format, I meant what is the target format (pdf,
html ro something else?)

Output format is HTML

>> 3) I do not understand the 'what are they generated from' but I guess

>> you mean which editor we are using. In that case: Eclipse.
>You already answered with 2 (I should make my questions clearer)
>> 4) Yes, but the page giving problems is not using them.
>Hmmm... you *think* it is not using them. Lets not rule it out just
yet, we may come back to this.

Agree, you never know. I will attach the sitemap, and the URL we are
using and that's causing us trouble is

>It just occured to me your site is online, is it publically available,
if so a link to a problem page would help immensely.

Unfortunately not, it's an intranet site. However, I the error message
is listed below:
Message: null
Description: No details available.
Sender: org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
Source: Cocoon Servlet
Request URI: vf-global-ue/downloads.html
Cause: Unrecognized file format.
request-uri: /docportal/vf-global-ue/downloads.html


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Attachment: sitemap.xmap
Description: sitemap.xmap