On May 26, 2005, at 11:34 PM, David Crossley wrote:
The Web Maestro wrote:
I don't believe we're using any special project-specific items except
for the compliance2*.xsl files in ViewCVS here:

<http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/xml-fop/src/documentation/ resources/

As for the fop-specific sitemap.xmap file, I believe it's been replaced
with the standard version from the Forrest distribution. IIRC, that's
one of the 'tricks' we took to making xml-fop work again.

Are you sure that you don't use a sitemap.xmap file? I remember long
discussions with you late last year on our dev list:
"Subject: "xml-fop Build Failed". It involved using special sitemap
matches to handle your special compliance2html document. IIRC you
had it in your local working copy, but it wasn't in the FOP CVS.
It would probably be at src/documentation/sitemap.xmap

Actually, I was a little off above. I think the way we got forrest to generate xml-fop/build/site was to remove the FOP-specific sitemap.xmap file (among other changes). Just the same, here're a couple of useful commands I just ran from my xml-fop dir:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] xml-fop]$ pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] xml-fop]$ ls src/documentation/
CVS.sandboxinfo  classes  cocoon.diff  content  resources  skinconf.xml

[EMAIL PROTECTED] xml-fop]$ find . -iname sitemap.*
[EMAIL PROTECTED] xml-fop]$ find . -iname *.xmap

If you don't have a project sitemap then great, we can rule that out
as a possible source of your FAQ ToC problem, and close FOR-507.

Sounds good. Go ahead and close the issue (I just tried to close it, but I don't appear to have perms.)

FWIW, I just created a new Task/Issue in CocoonDev issues ([#FOR-507]
xml-fop *.xmap files). I've attached my $FORREST_HOME/context/*.xmap
files to the issue.

No that doesn't help. There is no difference between those and
the default forrest 0.6 core sitemaps. It was good to know that they
haven't been changed, but i wasn't actually talking about the
core sitemaps anyway, i was referring to a project-specific sitemap
(discussed above).


As I expected. I thought I'd upload that just to be on the safe side.

I had a colleague try, and the TOC doesn't generate for him either...

FWIW, the 'colleague' was Jeremias.


Web Maestro Clay
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - <http://homepage.mac.com/webmaestro/>
My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
- HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet