Addi wrote:
I managed to get the SVN on my laptop. I went ahead and disconnected from the internet and manually anted the plugins just to see how that worked, re: Plugin error - no internet available thread. They all built successfully. Now when I "forrest site" the site builds OK, except all the pdf files spit out BROKEN: No pipeline matched request: name_of_file.pdf .

Did I not setup the plugins right or does this indicate some other problem?

If you disconnected from the Internet then Forrest was unable to install the plugins you need (which in this case is the PDF plugin). Unfortunately Forrest cannot currently use plugins from the source. However, if you have the SVN version, you also have the plugins locally.

The output from the build will tell you when a plugin fails to install and it will tell you what to do.


cd FORREST_HOME/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf
ant local-deploy

(repeat for any other plugins you are using)
