Hi. I'm a newbie to Forrest and to all of the sources of information available 
so if this is covered somewhere already, sorry.

I was wondering if it was possible to customize the title page in the pdf with 
a logo. I assume the change would go into document2fo.xsl in my skin folder, 
but I'm not sure how to do it. I've got experience with XML and XSLT, but none 
with xsl-fo.

Also, while I have your eyes, how do you change the text color in the 
horinontal tabs. I'm in the process of trying to use an image for the 
background of these tabs and need to change the color. I somehow managed to 
change the font-family but I've made several changes and I'm not sure which one 
accomplished the change. Pretty silly, I know.

If you've got a link for me, that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Sean Hower - tech writer

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