Hi all.
I've gotten to a point in my site design where I'm comfortable showing what I 
have so far for feedback. I've put up a bare skeleton of what will eventually 
be the completed site at:


I started with the forrest-site skin and modified it. I cleaned out some of the 
formatting that was the xsl and put it into the css file. I figure there will 
have to be some tweaking of styles and I want to do some testing with graphics 
turned off.

I do have a few questions.

1. I've set <trail location="none"> and left the links blank but the trail is 
still appearing. Well, that's not entirely true, on my computer, they weren't 
showing up but they showed up when I uploaded it. Any thoughts?

2. I've got the font-resize feature turned on but the buttons aren't showing up.

3. In Netscape, there's a gap between the Search box and the top of the tabs 
(you'll see what I mean if you look). This gap isn't in IE. I'm assuming it's 
because of the spacer graphic that's there. Any thoughts of fixing this or is 
this going to be one of those "browser conflict" issues?

4. The XML files that Forrest is generating are using:
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.3//EN" 
"document-v13.dtd">. This is giving me an error. My xdocs have a different 
doctype that doesn't give an error:
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" 
Any thoughts on how to put the correct doctype into the XML output files?

I guess that's it for now.

Any suggestions and help are appreciated. The list has been very helpful so far.


Sean Hower - tech writer

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