Damiano Venturin wrote:
Hi all,
this is my first post. I read in the ml archive something about
including file in forrest 0.7 but I'm really confused

Welcome, lets see if we can clear the confusion...

in few words I don't know how to solve this problem because I don't know
much about xslt and xml. I'm just at first steps.

Learning about XSLT and XML is critical to being able to do stuff with Forrest. We are, after all, an XML publishing framework. But if you want to learn on the job then...

I have this files:

 ls -1

the *.js files are a common menu

I would like to have that menu at the top of any page built by forrest.
I have built my custom theme starting from forrest-site theme.

Please may you help me?

You need to create a new skin. I'm not sure if that is what you mean by "theme" or not. forrest-site is not a skin it is a sample site that you can edit in order to create your own site.

What you want to do is change the way the site is rendered by adding your own menu code. This requires that your site has a custom skin.

I'd suggest doing something simple first, you can come to the JS stuff later. See http://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_70/your-project.html#skins for some starter documentation for creating your own skin. I'd suggest starting off by making your skin display "MY Navigation Goes here" or something like that so that you know you have it working. Then come back here for help with the next steps if you need it.

You may also like to know that the sknning system is going to change in 0.8, we have a new and powerful system that will enable this kind of enhancment to be done much more easily. However, this is alpha code and would require you to dive in and work with SVN head. If you want to work with this new system instead then join us on the dev list. Otherwise we'll help you here on the user list.
