I'm having some problems with the present svn head (two days old): the war it creates installes fine in Tomcat when deployed through Tomcat's HTML Manager, and as long as Tomcat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:is running without interruption, there's no problem. But when restarted, Tomcat crashes severely. This happens only when the Forrest war is installed, without the Forrest war, there is no problem.

- (almost) latest Forrest svn

How almost?

- Tomcat 5.5.9
- Java 1.5_02
- Win2k server
- the forrest.properties and skinconf.xml files are based on a forrest seed several months ago


I am having a similar problem with

- Win2k server
- Java 1.4.2_07
- Tomcat 5.5.9

I generated "forrest webapp" and configured a new tomcat an <Context> for 

I get an Exception similar to the first post. A series of 
ClassNotFoundException exceptions.

I managed to sort of fix the problem copying

logkit-1.2.2.jar and commons-logging-1.0.4.jar



Now, I get the following error

Message: null

Description: No details available.

Sender: org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet

Source: Cocoon Servlet

Request URI



(The system cannot find the file specified)




There is no much information in the log files.

Tried to copy skinconf where requested and I get a 
"java.lang.NullPointerException" as a Tomcat server error cause.

And many other failed attempts.

Please help!!!