
I know how to code for forrest for this link in the xsl files:

<a href="">Holly Edelson</a>

but how do you code for this sort of link in an xdocs/*.xml file?
can I put dynamic code there?

Also, how, for  src/xdocs/index.xml file can you code the xsl for it to count the entries in the /meta-data/foo.xml, set a max integer (value) for to generate on the xdocs/index.html page when you run forrest to only show x number of entries for category foo if exists and not show the rest?

I mean, say I have type foo and type bar in my meta-data/foo.xml file. Say I have 10 items of type foo and 10 items of type bar, but I only want the generated home page (html) to display 4 per type?
is it like <xsl:for-each select="articles/article[ type= foo][ position() &lt; ($entries+1) ]">?
                                                                                                      ->this is where I don't have a clue
