It's was introduced recently. Forrest0.7 does not have it -- I run search in
all jar files and 0.7 Cocoon jar files do not have CSVGenerator. And
Offivial Cocoon 2.1 does not have it either. Glen

"Tim Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
On 9/6/05, Glen Tulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use forrest 0.7 and looks like it does not have CSV Generator or at
> I could not find it. The java code is here
> apache/cocoon/generation/
> and it does not depend on anything. What should I do? I know I can
> create jar and put to my WEB-INF/lib but is there some other way?
> Thanks.
have you tried just adding it to your project sitemap?  it loks llike
a standard cooon generator and should probably be available to you.