Ross Gardler wrote:
> arthur thompson wrote:
> >good day,
> >
> >searching through forrest i came across this problem.
> >
> >when i create level 2 tabs, all the tabs in level 2
> >are
> >the same no matter which one i click on.
> >
> >i created a new seed and in the samples tab there are
> >2 sub tabs and they are both the same (both selected
> >or unselected i am not sure which) even though they
> >link to different pages.
> >
> >can someone guide me as to how i can get the subtabs
> >to be selected and unselected similar to the way the
> >normal tabs behave.
> If that doesn't help try posting your tabs.xml file here

The interaction between site and tabs is complex and
there are some bugs. See our own
- our subtabs on "Tab: Versioned Docs" don't display properly

Some tips at:
and i also wonder about colors in skinconf.xml

Also the dev mailing archives have lots of discussion
about this unsolved problem.
