Flavio Cordova wrote:
> I have created a small project using forrest and it runs fine using both
> 'forrest run' and 'forrest site'.
>  Now I'm trying to build the site using forrestbot but it's not working...

Great to hear that other people are using forrestbot.
It is such a fantastic deployment tool. We are having
great success with it at the Forrest project, and still
only using a fraction of its ability.

Going by my experience, the main thing was to set up the
directory structure well. Also important was to invoke
forrestbot from the correct directory.

We have a separate configuration file for each site
that we want forrestbot to build. Ours is automated via
cron, so each hour it calls a little shell script which
sets the java and FORREST_HOME environment variables,
changes to the correct workspace and then calls it
with 'forrest -f this-site-config.xml notify' to build
it and tell us about the results.

See our configuration files for our forrestbot at
Do an 'svn checkout' and use it to help create your
own setup.

See also some notes in your Forrest distribution
at etc/publishing_our_site.txt ... this is how
forrest committers use it to build and deploy
our website from our local workstations.

>  Here the build.xml I have created:
>  <project name="build.prounit" default="main">
> <description>ProUnit Documentation build script</description>
> <!-- Import properties -->
> <property file="build.properties" />
> <property name="getsrc.local.root-dir" location="c:/work/prounit-docs"/>
> <property name="build.work-dir" value="tmp/work"/>
> <property name="build.log-dir" value="tmp/logs"/>
> <property name="deploy.local.dir" value="deploy-docs"/>
> <target name="getsrc" depends="getsrc.clean-workdir,getsrc.local"/>
> <target name="deploy" depends="deploy.local">
> <echo level="info" message="DONE ???" />
> </target>
> <property environment="env"/>
> <import file="${env.FORREST_HOME}/tools/forrestbot/core/forrestbot.xml"/>
> <property name="forrest.home" value="${env.FORREST_HOME}"/>
> </project>
> When it runs, it reports a broken link:
>  [java] X [0] linkmap.html BROKEN: C:\apache-
> forrest-0.7\main\webapp\tmp\work\tmp\build-info.xml (The system cannot find
> the path specified)
>  I have already searched all FAQs and documentation but I admit I got a
> little lost.

That sounds like perhaps forrestbot is being invoked from
the wrong directory.

I notice some things in your config file that might cause trouble.
Actually i am pointing out the things that are different to ours

build.work-dir etc. being relative paths (should be okay).

We don't import any build.properties file.

We don't set the "forrest.home" property.

Anyway, check out the abovementioned links and get back to us.

Also, note that some changes were made to the 0.7 release branch.
which will be needed to get email notification happening properly,
otherwise you should be fine with the actual 0.7 release.
