Karthik Navaneethan wrote:
>  Is there any way raw HTML included as static content in
> src/documentation/content
> directory be indexed and searched by Lucene. The default site created using
> Forrest seed apears to only index and search the xml files.

You would need to add a project sitemap that did similar
operations to Forrest' default search which is handled
by main/webapp/search.xmap sitemap. As a quick fix, you
could add extra matches into main/webapp/search.xmap to
also handle your specific raw html docs.

That is quite a complex sitemap task, so you would need
to learn about sitemaps before tackling that.

Your sitemap might need to transform your html using Jtidy.
There are examples of that in the Forrest sitemaps too.
See the FAQ at lucene.apache.org

If any of that is helpful, then we should add some
tips to:
