Ross Gardler wrote:
> Moshe Yudkowsky wrote:
> >I just ran my forrest files through a validator, and to my dismay I see 
> >that there's a problem.
> >
> >In site.xml, some of the URLs I enter have an "&" character in them. I 
> >write these as HTML entities; otherwise site.xml won't validate.
> >
> >The output of forrest has "&" in the URLs. That would be fine, except 
> >that the page won't validate; the source code of the page has to use an 
> >entity for "&" in the URLs.
> >
> >I can't find a setting anywhere (, skinconf.xml., or 
> >the xslt files) that would change this behavior.
> >
> >Help?
> Please raise an issue on our issue tracker for this, and if Helena's 
> work around is good, please add a note about that.

Perhaps it is this ...
"character entities (e.g. ampersand) are expanded again for href or src 
