Ross Gardler wrote:
> Milind Parikh wrote:
> >I am sold on Forrest !! I will be writing about Apache Forrest on 
> > is powered through Apache 
> >Forrest. 
> Cool - thanks.
> > I would like to have five-six chapters on Forrest. This is the
> >proposed format...
> >
> >1. 30 second pitch on Forrest (want this to be a slide show... just 
> >cannot get s5slides to work).
> If you want to tell us what the symptoms are we can advise.
> >2. One hour Teach A Man To Fish (TAMTF) series on Forrest
> >3. One Day Deep Immersion (ODDI) series on Forrest
> >4. Internationalization with Forrest
> >5. Plugin Development with Forrest
> >
> >I should be done with these chapters by January 15th. Any suggestions 
> >are welcome !
> That is some fastwriting!
> It's difficult to make comments when all we have to go on is a title, so 
> I'll avoid making assumptions about the content.
> With respect to 4, Helena is working very hard at understanding our 
> rather patchy i18n support. I would recomend teaming up with her on this 
> (via this list). Since your matrials are copyrighted there are limits to 
> how closely you can cooperate, but at least in terms of deciphering the 
> varied (and occasionally contradictory) sources of information we have I 
> am sure you can assist one another.

Milind i am unclear what you are expecting from us.
Our documentation is at
