I requested the xml and I got an untransformed version of the file.
According to the mentioned problems with the SourceTypeAction I
changed my config to be based on a wildcard.

       <map:match pattern="**si_ddpandmetadata_composite_a_a.xml">
src="{properties:resources.stylesheets}/rd2document.xsl" />
            <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Now when I have a look at the xml version I get a transformed version
of the XML but when I request the html version I get nothing.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Ross Gardler <rgard...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 07/04/2010 15:43, Tobias Neef wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I like to transform a XML file with various namespaces into the xdoc
>> format. The XML file is in the xdoc/sap directory and the
>> transformation is also in place. My problem now is, that nothing
>> appears on my screen when I want to have a look at the transformed
>> file.
> Can you take a look at the intermediate format document by requesting the
> *.xml version of your file. Do you see the expected XDoc?
> This will tell you whether the problem is in your transformation from the
> source or to the HTML.
> Ross
>> The header of the source file looks like this:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <xml-fragment xmlns:rpl="urn:ReceiverDeterminationServiceVi"
>> xmlns:rn0="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
>> xmlns:rn1="urn:com.sap.aii.ib.server.api.types"
>> xmlns:rn2="java:sap/standard"
>> xmlns:rn3="urn:com.sap.aii.ibdir.server.api.types">
>> Now I like to filter based on the type of the message.
>> The relevant namespace for me is the rn3 namespace so I changed the
>> default sitemap to look like this:
>> <map:sitemap xmlns:map="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0";>
>>   <map:components>
>>     <map:actions>
>>       <map:action logger="sitemap.action.sourcetype" name="sourcetype"
>> src="org.apache.forrest.sourcetype.SourceTypeAction">
>>  ...
>>         <sourcetype name="ddp_si-v1.0">
>>           <!--<document-element
>> namespace="urn:com.sap.aii.ibdir.server.api.types"/>  -->
>>          <document-element local-name="rn3"/>
>>         </sourcetype>
>>       </map:action>
>>     </map:actions>
>>     <map:selectors default="parameter">
>>       <map:selector logger="sitemap.selector.parameter"
>> name="parameter" src="org.apache.cocoon.selection.ParameterSelector"
>> />
>>     </map:selectors>
>>   </map:components>
>>   <map:resources>
>>     <map:resource name="transform-to-document">
>>       <map:act type="sourcetype" src="{src}">
>>         <map:select type="parameter">
>>           <map:parameter name="parameter-selector-test"
>> value="{sourcetype}" />
>>            <map:when test="ddp_si-v1.0">
>>             <map:generate src="{properties:content.xdocs}{../../1}.xml" />
>>             <map:transform
>> src="{properties:resources.stylesheets}/rd2document.xsl" />
>>             <map:serialize type="xml-document"/>
>>           </map:when>
>> ...
>>         </map:select>
>>       </map:act>
>>     </map:resource>
>>   </map:resources>
>>   <map:pipelines>
>>  <map:pipeline>
>>       <map:match pattern="old_site/**.html">
>>         <map:select type="exists">
>>           <map:when test="{properties:content}{0}">
>>             <map:read src="{properties:content}{0}"
>> mime-type="text/html"/>
>>           </map:when>
>>         </map:select>
>>       </map:match>
>>       <map:match pattern="**.xml">
>>         <map:call resource="transform-to-document">
>>           <map:parameter name="src"
>> value="{properties:content.xdocs}{1}.xml" />
>>         </map:call>
>>       </map:match>
>>     </map:pipeline>
>>   </map:pipelines>
>> </map:sitemap>
>> I also added a entry in the site.xml which appears in the menu but
>> does not work as suspected (just a blank page is produced).
>>   <sap1 label="SAP Example 1" description="SAP Beispiele">
>>     <docs-sap1 label="SAP 1" href="sap/" tab="sap">
>>        <sap-pi-rd label="RD" href="si_ddpandmetadata_composite_a_a.html"
>>         description="Test of How To documents"/>
>>     </docs-sap1>
>>   </sap1>
>> Hope someone can help.
>> Regards,
>> Tobias