Based on these feedback, could we do this instead?

1. creating non-proxy region: check to see if there is a non-proxy region
with the same name on the entire cluster or not. If yes, abort the creation.
2. creating proxy region: check to see if there is any region with the same
name on the group or not, if yes, abort the creation.

I think this would catch all cases.

On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 12:01 AM, Swapnil Bawaskar <>

> Sometimes PROXY regions are used just to pass messages between members. In
> this use case, there are no regions that store data. Point 2 will break
> this use case.
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 2:22 PM Sai Boorlagadda <>
> wrote:
>> +1 to the proposal with the modified rule and favoring region creation
>> with shortcuts.
>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 1:56 PM, Jinmei Liao <> wrote:
>>> I think we allowed too many ways for the user to do the same thing again.
>>> if we put in this restriction, this command would fail and user has to
>>> use PARTITION_PROXY type to create an accessor region, which is not a bad
>>> thing after all.
>>> So now, the rule is:
>>> 1. when user creates a non-proxy region (no matter on what group, what
>>> type), a region with the same name can not exist already in the cluster
>>> 2. When user creates a proxy region, a region with the same name has to
>>> exist on the cluster first.
>>> would this be a reasonable rule to enforce when creating regions using
>>> gfsh?
>>> On Feb 2, 2018 12:02 PM, "Sai Boorlagadda" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I dont think allowing *_PROXY types with same names is sufficient.
>>>> Users can also create accessor regions by setting 'local-max-memory' for a
>>>> partition region (though not allowed for a replicate).
>>>> gfsh>create region --name=test --type=PARTITION --local-max-memory=0
>>>>     Member      | Status
>>>> --------------- | ------------------------------------------
>>>> yell-gifted-cow | Region "/test" created on "server1"
>>>> Here /test becomes an accessor region just like when created using the
>>>> shortcut "PARTITION_PROXY".
>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 11:46 AM, Jinmei Liao <> wrote:
>>>>> Accessor region is probably a special case. Then can we add this
>>>>> caviar then: "user can not create a region with the same name of a
>>>>> different type except it's a proxy region"?
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 11:17 AM, Sai Boorlagadda <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Agree with Dan. This is the only way I know that you can create
>>>>>> accessor regions on peer members.
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 11:07 AM, Dan Smith <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Won't this break any use case were two members need to create the
>>>>>>> same region with different attributes? For example someone might have 
>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>> members that are empty accessors of a replicated region:
>>>>>>> //Host data on members in group1
>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=REPLICATE --group=group1
>>>>>>> //Group2 just needs access to data in region A
>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=REPLICATE_PROXY --group=group2
>>>>>>> -Dan
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 10:19 AM, Jinmei Liao <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Currently creating region with the same name on different groups
>>>>>>>> are allowed by gfsh. Checks are done further on the servers when 
>>>>>>>> creating
>>>>>>>> the region to see if the region attributes clashes with any existing
>>>>>>>> region, and the operation will fail if types are different. Here is an
>>>>>>>> example about this current behavior:
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=REPLICATE --group=group1  //
>>>>>>>> success
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=REPLICATE --group=group2  //
>>>>>>>> success
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=PARTITION --group=group2
>>>>>>>> --skip-if-exists  // skipping
>>>>>>>> Member  | Status
>>>>>>>> ------- | -----------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> server2 | Skipping "server2". Region "/A" already exists.
>>>>>>>> gfsh>create region --name=A --type=PARTITION --group=group3
>>>>>>>> --skip-if-exists // failure
>>>>>>>> Member  | Status
>>>>>>>> ------- | ------------------------------
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>> server3 | ERROR: Cannot create PartitionedRegion /A because another
>>>>>>>> cache (<v4>:1026) has the same region
>>>>>>>> defined as a non PartitionedRegion.
>>>>>>>> We would like to propose catching the name clash earlier in gfsh
>>>>>>>> for the last command as well. Since regions are referred to by names 
>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>> entire cluster (no server grouping considered at all), when trying to
>>>>>>>> create a region, we should check for name clash in the entire cluster, 
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> just in the specified server group. If we make this change, the 
>>>>>>>> behavior
>>>>>>>> would be like this:
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=REPLICATE --group=group1  //
>>>>>>>> success
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=REPLICATE --group=group2  //
>>>>>>>> Error
>>>>>>>> ERROR: Region "/A" already exists.
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=REPLICATE --group=group2
>>>>>>>> --skip-if-exists // skipping
>>>>>>>> Skipping: Region "/A" already exists.
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=PARTITION --group=group2
>>>>>>>> --skip-if-exists
>>>>>>>> Skipping. Region "/A" already exists.
>>>>>>>> gfsh> create region --name=A --type=PARTITION --group=group3
>>>>>>>> --skip-if-exists
>>>>>>>> Skipping. Region "/A" already exists.
>>>>>>>> Basically, the name clash check is on the entire cluster, not just
>>>>>>>> on one specific server. This would lead to some change in script 
>>>>>>>> behavior,
>>>>>>>> but keep the command simple and consistent.
>>>>>>>> Any feedback is welcome.
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> Jinmei
>>>>> --
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Jinmei



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