Greetings Apache Geode Community-

It is my pleasure to follow-up with several announcements and releases
concerning the Apache Geode ecosystem from the Spring portfolio.

1. First, we moved 2 versions since my last announcement [1] to *Spring
Data for Apache Geode* *2.0.5.RELEASE* (*Kay-SR5*).

1.1. The official release announcement is here [2].

1.2. See the changelog [3] for additional details.  Specifically look at
the changes in versions 2.0.4.RELEASE and 2.0.5.RELEASE.

1.3. One of the more interesting changes to SDG is the ability to register
QueryPostProcessors to process (OQL) queries generated from *Repository*
query methods when using the convention. See SDG's Reference Documentation
for more information [4].

2. Second, we have already released our first milestone for *Spring Data*
*Lovelace* [5], which, of course, includes *Spring Data for Apache Geode*
*2.1.0.M1*.  You may remember [6], I have many things planned this year for
the next few versions of *Spring Data for Apache Geode*.

3. Third, *Spring Session for Apache Geode* has also jumped to versions
since my last announcement [7] to *2.0.2.RELEASE*.  This release primarily
consist of version updates and is based on *Spring Session core*

4. Lastly, it was just announced [8] that *Spring Boot 2.0* went GA, so is
now at version *2.0.0.RELEASE*.  \o/  .oO(Yay!)

It's been a long haul but the timing is perfect since I am only a few weeks
away from releasing the first milestone of *Spring Boot for Apache Geode*.
I have been making good progress on this project [9] and I essentially have
only testing, documentation and examples left to complete.

* Of course, it will be based on the newly minted *Spring Boot*
2.0.0.RELEASE, and will cover many things, such as, but not limited to,
providing an auto-configured ClientCache instance OOTB that will
automatically authenticate when you push your *Spring Boot*, ClientCache
apps to PCF when interfacing to PCC.

* Using Apache Geode as a caching provider in *Spring's Cache Abstraction*
will be enabled by default as will SDG *Repositories*.

* PDX is the default serialization format and there will be NO need to
explicitly register a PdxSerializer to identify and serialize your
application domain object types; it will just work as it should!

* Annotated Continuous Query Listener, POJO-based method callbacks will be
enabled by default; so just start by declaring your CQs and you will
receive events. Remember this wicked cool feature [10].  Example here [11].

* Interface-based Function Executions are also enabled by default.  Just
declare your Apache Geode Functions using an interface and SDG combined
with the new *Spring Boot* support will handle the rest.  You just invoke
your Function like any other POJO method, in a clean and Object-Oriented

So many exciting things planned in *Spring Boot for Apache Geode*, I look
forward to rolling this out soon and getting your feedback.  Stay tuned!

Well, that is all for now folks.



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