Hi Pieter,

Looks like it could be “member-timeout”. From 


Geode uses the member-timeout server configuration, specified in milliseconds, 
to detect the abnormal termination of members. The configuration setting is 
used in two ways: 1) First it is used during the UDP heartbeat detection 
process. When a member detects that a heartbeat datagram is missing from the 
member that it is monitoring after the time interval of 2 * the value of 
member-timeout, the detecting member attempts to form a TCP/IP stream-socket 
connection with the monitored member as described in the next case. 2) The 
property is then used again during the TCP/IP stream-socket connection. If the 
suspected process does not respond to the are you alive datagram within the 
time period specified in member-timeout, the membership coordinator sends out a 
new membership view that notes the member’s failure.
Valid values are in the range 1000..600000.


From: Pieter van Zyl <pieter.van....@lautus.net>
Sent: 10 July 2018 12:09
To: user@geode.apache.org
Subject: Debug Functions on server via Idea...timeout

Good day.

This might be a weird question and I hope I am asking the right forum.

I am trying to debug a Geode function. I am running the server via Spring from 
Idea and have a few breakpoints. The problem is that as soon as I hit a 
breakpoint and investigate a few fields the server seems to timeout and I 
cannot continue.

See this in the logs:

 Membership received a request to remove 192.xxx(23019)<v3>:1025 from 
192.xxxx(GemFireLocator:31342:locator)<ec><v0>:1024 reason=Member isn't 
responding to heartbeat requests

[fatal 2018/07/10 13:05:24.880 SAST <unicast receiver,pvz-dell-40480> tid=0x1e] 
Membership service failure: Member isn't responding to heartbeat requests
org.apache.geode.ForcedDisconnectException: Member isn't responding to 
heartbeat requests
[info 2018/07/10 13:05:27.987 SAST <DisconnectThread> tid=0x7b] Stopping 
membership services

[info 2018/07/10 13:05:28.038 SAST <DisconnectThread> tid=0x7b] 
GMSHealthMonitor server socket is closed in stopServices().

[info 2018/07/10 13:05:28.040 SAST <Geode Failure Detection Server thread 0> 
tid=0x22] GMSHealthMonitor server thread exiting

[info 2018/07/10 13:05:28.041 SAST <DisconnectThread> tid=0x7b] 
GMSHealthMonitor serverSocketExecutor is terminated

I was wondering if there is some setting on the Geode server or client that I 
can set that won't timeout so quickly.

I have one locator and my server connects to that locator.

Not sure if anyone has tried to debug functions running on a Geode server via 
Intellij Idea.....

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