The only time-sync thing I can think of is tombstone expiration. The concurrency control mechanism creates tombstones when entries in the cache are destroyed.  While there is a distributed garbage collection mechanism to take care of removing tombstones there is also a local check to see if a tombstone has expired, so you don't want to have big clock skews between your servers.

On 7/11/18 2:34 AM, Vahram Aharonyan wrote:

Hi All,

Any input on this would be highly appreciated.



*From:* Vahram Aharonyan <>
*Sent:* Friday, July 6, 2018 4:31 PM
*Subject:* Time difference between cluster members

Hi All,

Could someone help to understand whether there is some threshold on time difference between Geode cluster members if they have the same time zone? Or all members should be in sync from time point of view for normal functioning?



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