On Nov 24, 2005, at 11:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What would work just as well for me would be to be able to check in a skeleton and then deploy the plans the first time I build and deploy the application. I am even willing
to copy all the files over, as long as I am not checking them in.

I'm not sure what you mean by "checking them in", could you be more specific?

If I can help it I will not check in things which can be derived from other things. For example, your config-store can be derived from the plans (and I am not sure what else.) The dependencies are third-party jars, etc.

I think you are doing this already when you build geronimo using maven. I just have to find out what steps to take between compiling and starting the server. Can I just blow away config-store and then deploy the
plans I want?

Geronimo is extremely modular, and almost all the configuration pieces are in the config-store. So if you remove the contents of the config-store you will have almost nothing left.

To see my idea of how geronimo should be assembled, look at the configs and assemblies directories. The directories under configs each build one configuration and store it in the local maven repository. The directories under assemblies assemble a set of configurations specified in the project.xml into a geronimo server. I think this is the best approach for constructing anything but the most standard server. However, it is not entirely done. For instance, I haven't figured out a reasonable replacement for deployer.jar.

The output of an assemblies module is a geronimo server in a zip file in your local maven repo. As noted, you can include pretty much anything you want in it, including j2ee applications. To install, you just unzip it and run.

Is it possible to use this, perhaps:

java -jar deployer.jar deploy <plan> <file>

That works. I think using one of the maven-based approaches is much easier and more development-process-friendly. One of these is the configs/assemblies approach noted above. You might look at the trade app in the sandbox, in the derby module, for an alternate maven based deployment approach.

Hope this helps, I'm not entirely sure what you are asking about this time :-)

david jencks


David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

11/24/2005 11:28 AM
Please respond to user
        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: Multiple geronimo instances with little disk usage

This is not supported yet, but it definitely should be.

 The idea is that everything except the var directory is shared between
 server instances, and each instance has its own var directory.  So,
there are several gbeans with paths into the var directory: several are
 in the j2ee-system plan.  Some other gbeans in plans such as
system-database and activemq-broker also store stuff in var.  The major
 problem at the moment is that most of these gbeans are in the system
 plan which is loaded before the config.xml file, so there is no
 opportunity to replace the "var" with the location of your choice.  
 Unfortunately this means you have to build a whole set of
 configurations for each server, since the name of the base config is
 going to be different.

 Does anyone have a good idea how to make this work with only a single
 set of configurations?  one possibility would be to have ServerInfo
know where the var directory is, all gbeans that use var ask ServerInfo
 where it is, and have ServerInfo read it from a system property.  Then
 you could set the var location on the command line.  You can already
 set the config.xml on the command line, although this might not be
 needed if the var location could be set.  The only disadvantage I've
 thought of with this plan is that it builds the concept of the var
 directory into geronimo in a much more fundamental way than it is now.

 david jencks

 On Nov 24, 2005, at 11:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 > I would like to do this:
 > 1) Unpack the geronimo distribution under /usr/local/geronimo (say)
 > and make it read-only.
> 2) Create many small _instances_ of geronimo running on all different
 > (sets of) ports, on the same machine.
> I would like the _code_ to be in one place, but the configurations of
 > the instances to all be different.
 > Basically a lot like tomcat.
 > Thanks
 > Guglielmo
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