You could start by just trying 2 config stores. Add another one to the j2ee-system plan and rebuild everything. If the server starts we can start worrying about how to put stuff there:-)

I'm very interested in using the geronimo repo as the immutable config store: for at least gbean-only configurations I think packed car files will work fine. The MavenConfigStore n the packaging plugin may be repurposable for this.

david jencks

On Dec 2, 2005, at 12:12 PM, toby cabot wrote:

On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 02:24:48PM -0500, Aaron Mulder wrote:
You could in theory have multiple config-stores, for example one
read-only containing some core modules that are never supposed to
change and one read-write for new deployments.  However we haven't
tested that adequately and I'm not convinced it would really work
properly right now.  I believe we do intend to make this work
eventually, I just don't think it's on the very short-term horizon.

This could be very useful in my application.  Currently I've got
geronimo running from a read-only partition which works great since
the runtime configuration never changes, but it would be great to be
able to put a configuration store in /var and deploy new applications

How can I help?  Given some pointers as to what's there (and maybe
what's not) I'd be willing to poke around and see what works and what


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