Hi Hamlet,

On Dec 22, 2008, at 2:23 PM, D'Arcy, Hamlet B wrote:

I originally had a one module project. I used the archivesBaseName
property to set the name of the resulting jar file like this, so the jar name was groovy-provider-1.0.jar even though the file system folder was
something different:

   archivesBaseName = 'groovy-provider'

I refactored my project to have multiple modules. My root build.gradle
no longer has archivesBaseName set, but the subfolder does. But the
module's jar file is now being named the same as the folder. It seems
that archivesBaseName in the subdirectory is being ignored.

This is a bug: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRADLE-330

How can I set the archive name in a subfolder?

As long as we haven't fixed GRADLE-330, you can do a couple of things as a work around.

Either in your subproject:

archive_jar.baseName = 'yourName'

If you want to create additional jars in your subproject, you still have to set archivesBaseName. Or you can set the name directly for the particular archive (like above).

Alternatively you could do in the parent project (before calling usePlugin('java') on the sub projects). project(':subprojectName').archivesBaseName = 'yourName' . But such a code would probably be harder to comprehend.

You could also change the project name in the settings.gradle.


- Hans

Hans Dockter
Gradle Project lead

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