On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 6:36 PM, Domudarius <guacam...@aspcsa.net> wrote:

> Complete linux noob.
> I originally installed guacamole-tomcat on Ubuntu 16.04.3 (on a hyper-v
> virtual machine) and had it working up to the point of getting "Waiting for
> first update" and then a disconnect message.  I found another post saying
> that was caused by a bug that was fixed in .9 something.  So I found a page
> explaining apt pinning and attempted to pin guacamole to the zesty
> repository.  It seemed to work, in that it downloaded a .9 something
> version
> of guacamole, but after that I was unable to log into guacamole.  But the
> login screen at least loaded.  I assumed I was missing some library that
> also needed pinning to the zesty repository and figured it would be easier
> to just move out of the LTS version.
> ...
> I haven't tried building from source and deploying the war file.  Is there
> anything else I can try short of manually building it?
I can't really speak to the correctness of downstream packages, and
generally would recommend against their use, even if it seems invitingly
simple. It would be far better to follow the official documentation for
installing Guacamole. There will be a learning curve, but you will
ultimately end up with a better understanding of how things work, which
will come in handy for future maintenance, etc.:


If you're familiar with Docker at all, that could be another option:


Finally, if you encounter problems while following the docs, we're here to

- Mike

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