Thanks Mike, that helps!

I do indeed have ghostscript installed, and the /usr/bin/gs binary does
exist, in the guacd image, which is great.

I've just tried it again (printed a simple Notepad document saying
'hello'). It seems to take a long time to think about whatever it is doing,
since the web browser window does indicate at the bottom that something is
happening, but then gives up / times out.

What actually happens after I press 'Print' on the Windows machine (I am
connecting to it via RDP) is that guacd says:

guacd[949]: INFO:       Print job created

guacd[949]: INFO:       Created PDF filter process PID=958

guacd[958]: INFO:       Running gs
and the web browser I am using (Chrome on Mac) flashes up "Waiting for" at the bottom of the browser window a few times - but then
nothing else happens. No further log items come up. (I am using 'docker
logs -f guacd' to view these)

Are there any built-in hooks to turn up debugging levels etc. in guacd when
using it via docker, or should I do my normal mechanism of running /bin/sh
in the docker container and running strace -f ?

I wonder if it might be related to my use of Apache as a reverse proxy in
front of the docker container; but that works fine for normal interactive
use of guacamole, I've not had a problem yet. The Apache config is pretty
much just:

        ProxyPass /remoteaccess/
but perhaps this interfers with printing somehow.

Update - I have tried connecting direct to the docker image (I needed to
find a plugin for Chrome to set the REMOTE_USER header as I am using HTTP
authentication on my reverse proxy) and printing *does* work perfectly this
way. So, it is not guacd, but rather something to do with my use of Apache
as a reverse proxy.

Going direct instead of via Apache, I get the following in guacd logs:

guacd[993]: INFO:       Print job created

guacd[993]: INFO:       Created PDF filter process PID=1002

guacd[1002]: INFO:      Running gs

guacd[993]: INFO:       Print job closed

guacd[993]: INFO:       Ignoring printer cached configuration data

Any pointers appreciated..

Many thanks :)


On 21 December 2017 at 01:31, Mike Jumper <> wrote:

> On Dec 20, 2017 17:26, "Jonathan Hunter" <> wrote:
> ...
> The following command returns nothing for me:
> # docker exec -it guacamole find / -type f -name gs
> Am I barking up the wrong tree here?
> Yep. You need to bark up the guacd tree instead. ;)
> It's not the guacamole image which needs GhostScript, but the guacd image.
> It should be there, though. It's installed as part of the image build:
> f72de10328ae39fcbf067333b0c2a2c9aecc441b/Dockerfile#L36
> - Mike

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
would it?"
      - Albert Einstein

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