On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 2:33 PM, <harry.dev...@faa.gov> wrote:

> Is it possible to have 1 VNC connection that is configured in such a way
> that when user A logs he, they connection to the first port, then when user
> B logs into the same connection, they connect to the next available port?
> Our users have a server that is running VNC on quite a few ports, and we
> don’t want to have to have a separate connection to each one.  Plus, with
> separate connections, the users connecting would have no way of knowing
> what is open and what is in use.  At least, no way we can see at the moment.
I can think of two ways you can accomplish this:
- Exclusively in Guacamole, you could use a Connection Group, of the Load
Balancing Type, and create separate connections under that group.  You can
then expose only the Connection Group to the end users, so that they have a
single place to click, but each connect under it can have a different port
number.  If you do this you can set the max number of connections and max
connections per user to 1 for each of the connections, which should prevent
Guacamole from handing the same underlying connection to more than one user.
- If you don't want to go that route, you could use something like haproxy
to create a load balancer in front of the back-end servers, such that every
connection from Guacamole goes to haproxy, and then haproxy takes care of
balancing it to the back-end server/port combos.  Like the Guacamole route,
you'd want to configure each of the haproxy back-ends such that it only
allows a single connection to it.  I've done similar to Windows 7
Enterprise and RDP.


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