Long story short; I have a bunch of saved .guac video files on my server. I'm
trying to playback these videos using the SessionRecording object..

However, to instantiate the SessionRecording object, I will need to pass it
a StaticHTTPTunnel.
The StaticHTTPTunnel require a url that points to the "Guacamole Protocol

Now I've created a path on my nodeJs server so when you go to
"localhost:8000/server/archive/admin/1523651126922" it will start
downloading of the guacamole video recording file called "1523651126922"
(final header in my url)...

So now when I setup "SessionRecording" as   
recording = new Guacamole.SessionRecording(new

I don't get an error, however when I try "recording.getDuration()" it's 0...
even though i'm sure (through decoding the video and playing it) that its at
least 2 minutes long

TL:DR; What is the proper URL "path" to the Guacamole protocol dump if I'm
trying to retrieve the .guac file from my server and put it into my client
and attach it to a StaticHTTPTunnel object? 

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