On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 4:45 PM, messido <mohammad.zba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Long story short; connection to host through guacd is working perfectly
> fine.. I'm using my own client to connect to guacd.. however if the "user"
> does not move the mouse/keyboard for ~30 seconds (idling) guacd will
> automatically terminate connection and log "ERROR: User is not responding".
> Is there a way to extend the timer? I'm assuming it's some type of session
> timeout? Even though connection is successfully created.
That timeout actually does not deal with user mouse/keyboard interaction.
On a healthy connection, the Guacamole client will be exchanging messages
back and forth with the server every few seconds. If something disrupts
that communication for 15+ seconds, then guacd will summarily close the

When you say your "own client", what are you referring to specifically? A
web application built off guacamole-common-js, etc.?

- Mike

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