
The doco is pretty good -  

In there, you'll notice under the /mysql section this snippet:

The MySQL JDBC driver is not included with the extension. You must obtain the 
JDBC driver .jar yourself from MySQL's website. The driver is known as 
"Connector/J", and the required .jar will be within a .tar.gz archive.

The URL for the download is - https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ and 
from there you can select the correct O/S, etc.



On 04/05/2018, 22:39, "robertkwild" <robertkw...@gmail.com> wrote:

    where is the JDBC driver located as i need to copy it to 
    Copy the JDBC driver for your database to GUACAMOLE_HOME/lib. Without a JDBC
    driver for your database, Guacamole will not be able to connect and
    authenticate users.
    Sent from: 

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