On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 18:21 uxes <a...@uxes.cz> wrote:

> As a first thing that I can think of is classic scenario when I'm used to
> shortcut `Ctrl + w` in terminal, which delete last word before my cursor,
> in
> any browser this shortcut means `close actual tab`, which is impossible to
> prevent. Feature Keyboard Lock is solution.

Makes sense.

> Next thing could be all sort of shortcuts like you said "Ctrl-Alt-Del" and
> "Alt + F4", im going to try them on some Windows as soon as i get some in
> my
> hands in following days.

As I mentioned before, even with Keyboard Lock I imagine some of these will
not be intercepted.  CAD is a particularly special one that will almost
certainly be intercepted by the O/S, at least in Windows-based browsers.  I
have not looked at the full specification, but I suspect there will always
be some exceptions, as there should be.


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