Hi ,

Yes I have updated the debug messages in the logback.xml file and restarted the 
tomcat service.

<!-- Log at INFO level -->
    <root level="debug">
        <appender-ref ref="GUAC-DEFAULT" />

# cat 

Post that also I have been facing the same kind of issues in the server .  
Attached the catalina.out and catalina.log file for reference .

Rajesh M

From: vnick [via Apache Guacamole - General/User Mailing List] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:58 PM
To: Rajesh Mohan <rajesh.mo...@infosys.com>
Subject: Re: LDAP Authentication was not working in Guacamole 0.9.14

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 6:43 AM Rajesh Mohan <[hidden 
email]</user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3746&i=0>> wrote:
Hi Team,

I am facing an issue when I login to the web console of Apache Guacamole using 
our AD Account .

I am facing the below mentioned error message in my catalina.out logs. Can you 
please sort it out what was the issue .


Jul 31, 2018 2:56:33 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase 
SEVERE: The web application [/guacamole] appears to have started a thread named 
[com.google.injecttil.$Finalizer] but has failed to stop it. This is very 
likely to create a memory leak.

I do not believe this error has anything to do with why LDAP logins are not 
working.  Please post more of the catalina.out file - I would recommend 
starting a "tail -f catalina.out" and then attempting the login to see what 
messages are posted.  You also might want to put the Guacamole Client into 
debug mode by creating a custom logback.xml file, as described, here:


Please find the guacamole. Properties file:

guacd-hostname: localhost
guacd-port:    4822

#Location to read the .jar FILE for ldap Authentication
lib-directory: /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.88/webapps/guacamole/WEB-INF/lib
#lib-directory: /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/

I don't think these properties are valid, anymore, and were deprecated and then 
removed several versions ago.  Your extensions need to be located in the 
"extensions/" subdirectory of the GUACAMOLE_HOME folder.  See the manual for 
more information on GUACAMOLE_HOME:


You definitely do not want your extensions located within the deploy directory 
of the guacamole WAR file - if you do this, they are likely to get wiped out 
when you re-deploy the application.

ldap-hostname:           usdlinfgdc01
ldap-port:               389
ldap-encryption-method:  none
ldap-user-base-dn:      <REDACTED>
ldap-search-bind-dn:    <REDACTED>
ldap-search-bind-password:     <REDACTED>
ldap-username-attribute: uid

These look fine, so probably just an issue with either the LDAP module not 
being loaded or some issues querying the tree.


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Attachment: catalina.out
Description: catalina.out

Attachment: catalina.2018-07-31.log
Description: catalina.2018-07-31.log

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