thanks. That seems pretty good idea.

Issue is when I pass on any arguments after the program in initial_program
parameter then Guacamole does not execute. In fact, it does not execute the
program itself. If I remove the arguments then it works.

e.g. if I pass on initial Program as "chromium-browser" it works.  but if I
pass it on as "chromium-browser --start-maximized"  does not work but open
the desktop

Cant we pass arguments with Initial Program ?

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 8:50 PM Nick Couchman <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:40 AM Kashif Sohail <>
> wrote:
>> As I am coming from windows environment, hence will appreciate if one can
>> point me to some resource or example explaining to do the feat.
> A couple of possibilities:
> - If you don't care about having a window manager (being able to minimize
> the window or open other windows), you could try starting Chromium with the
> "--start-maximized" option and see if that works.  It may still not work or
> behave properly without a window manager, but it might work and just have
> Chromium fill the whole screen.
> - If you need a window manager, you'll first have to pick one (unity,
> xfce, lxde, kde, etc.) and identify the command to start that window
> manager.  You'd then write a script something like this:
> #!/bin/sh
> start-xfce4
> chromium-browser
> And have that script execute when XRDP is started.  If you do a Google
> search for "xrdp window manager startup script" or "window manager startup
> script" you should find a wide variety of examples and advice on creating
> one that will work for you.
> -Nick

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