On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 3:20 AM murat <grupsiteo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'ım connection to a remote windows using guacamole rdp client. I want to
> create a "Sharing Profile" programatically using JAVA.
> Firstly, i think the user need some permissions like "ADMINISTER" and
> when i try to set these permissions, i get "Permission denied" error.

You'll probably have to describe in a bit more detail exactly what you're
doing and where it's failing.  You should be able to do this
programatically, in Java, but you'll need to do it the right way.

> How can i change the permissions of a user programatically?

The short answer is:
- POST login credentials to /api/tokens and obtain a login token for a user
that already has Administer permissions.
- Use the correct endpoint to set permissions on the user who you want to
have access.
- DELETE to /api/tokens with the token you want to delete.
- POST to /api/tokens with the user creating the sharing profile and obtain
a login token.
- Use that token value to access the endpoint that creates the sharing


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