
i want to make authentification with radius ( WIndows Server ) using
eap-tls, so this is what i did :
cp /etc/raddb/certs/client.p12 /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/
chmod 666 client.p12

# Copy the certificate request in the web certificat to generate one
cat /etc/raddb/certs/client.csr
download certnew.cer
mv certnew.cer certnew.pem

### Configuration file
radius-key-file: /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/client.p12
radius-key-type: pkcs12
radius-ca-file: /usr/share/tomcat/.guacamole/certnew.pem
radius-ca-type: pem

and it's not working , should i change something ?

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