On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 2:48 PM N1ghtm4r3x <133...@hotmail.nl> wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried multiple things but i cant get password protected ssh keys working,
> without password everything works but as soon as i add a password it fails.
> guacd[424]: INFO:       Connection "$b6b4eabe-279b-47f0-88a3-cb57046b8f4a"
> removed.,
> guacd[424]: INFO:       Creating new client for protocol "ssh",
> guacd[424]: INFO:       Connection ID is
> "$005682b6-ce16-4df6-8efc-57cf104f4cec",
> guacd[1135]: INFO:      User "@914d0afe-a443-4204-b979-77a57c183aea" joined
> connection "$005682b6-ce16-4df6-8efc-57cf104f4cec" (1 users now present),
> 18:39:58.313 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] INFO  o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService
> - User "adminjbo" connected to connection "1".,
> guacd[1135]: ERROR:     Auth key import failed: bad decrypt,

This is your issue right here.  This is related to guacd, but not guacd
itself - libssh2 is actually what's importing and decrypting the keys.  My
guess is that one of a couple of things is going on:
- You're using an unsupported key/encryption format.  You indicated you
tried multiple key formats and options, but this is still a possibility.  I
would stick with RSA 2048 for the purposes of testing, and just work with
that until you get it working.
- You're pasting it in a format that is truncating part of the key, and
you're ending up with a bad key inside the line.  Make sure you're pasting
it into the box correctly - you should paste the entire key in OpenSSH PEM
- You're using an incorrect key passphrase, you're not entering the
decryption passphrase at all, or you're entering it in the wrong place
(like the password parameter instead of the passphrase parameter).  Please
note that Guacamole does not currently prompt you for the passphrase for
the key, so if you paste an encrypted SSH key into the box to use for
authentication, you have to also provide the passphrase for decrypting it
(in the Passphrase parameter).

Please verify you have the above correct and try, again.  Also, I would
suggest a systematic approach - change one thing at a time until you get it


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