On Thu, Jan 30, 2020, 06:05 Vieri <rentor...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is probably a silly question, and I'm surely overlooking something.
> I'm trying to replace the tab logo. I thought it would be enough to just
> create a manifest file with:
>          "resources" : {
>                 "images/logo-64.png" : "image/png",
>                 "images/logo-144.png" : "image/png"
>          }
> and of course include those image files in a jar.
> The extension loads, and I cleared my browser's cache.
> However, the logo I see on the browser tab is the one shipped with
> Guacamole.

The webapp (intentionally) does not allow extensions to directly replace
files which are part of the webapp. All custom resources declared within
that "resources" property will be exposed relative to a namespaced
directory, not the webapp root:


Overriding the tab icon is allowed by the extension subsystem, but you need
to use the properties provided for doing that ("smallIcon" and
"largeIcon"). It looks like those are missing from the docs, but they do
exist and would be specified at the root level of the JSON object making up
the guac-manifest.json:


- Mike

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