
I currently have my guacamole client v1.1.0 configured to point to Keycloak
using the OIDC configuration options.  This is causing my login information
be passed through Keycloak instead of the Guacamole Client login page.
Because of this the GUAC_PASSWORD parameter is never populated because it
was never actually input through Guacamole itself.

I am trying to put a user prompt in the UI to have them input their password
when clicking an 'rdp' protocol connection.  Currently I have a prompt hook
ManagedClient.js that sends the password to the TokenRESTService and calls:

final Credentials credentials = authenticatedUser.getCredentials();
// Should call update user credentials  (private method in authService)
authenticationService.authenticate(credentials, token);

My connection parameters are setup to use ${GUAC_USERNAME} and
${GUAC_PASSWORD} but the above code doesn't seem to update ${GUAC_PASSWORD}
or the current
sessions Authenticated User object.

My two main questions are:
1) Is there a configuration option that I am missing that covers this use
2) What step am I missing to have the java services update ${GUAC_PASSWORD}

Any help would be appreciated!

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