On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 10:18 AM netnut <find.an...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reviving an old-ish thread- I need to take users directly to the "desktop"
> screen since I don't want to assign my users guacamole user accounts. So
> which of the following approaches would work:
> User's browser -> Guacamole Client (tomcat) -> guacd (in this case the user
> is presented with the login screen which I don't want)

One way around this is to use some sort of SSO installation that bypasses
authentication for users already authenticated elsewhere.  But, please read


Currently Guacamole supports CAS, OpenID Connect, and Header SSO modules,
with SAML support in progress.

> or
> User's browser (custom app using guacamole-js) -> guacd
If you truly do not want the AAA features of the full Guacamole client,
then you should write your own Guacamole application that integrates into
some other application that is already providing you with those features.


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