
Or what am I missing?

You could of course proxy to completely different guacamole instances (with different databases) by virtue of your username/group and that enables you to "route" access to networks of different security levels without having to resort to a VPN, effectively making the proxy your "gateway".

That's what I could come up with. If I have not misunderstood the raison d'etre of this tool.

Of course, using that tool will disable any SSO you might have set up for the guacamole backend, unless that haproxy frontend supports those as well in the future.

Best regards,

Sven Specker
*** Sven Specker -- University of Frankfurt Computing Center   ***
*********** UNIX System Administration (Auth/IDM) ****************
***** spec...@rz.uni-frankfurt.de [Phone (+49)-69-798-15188] *****
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