On Tue, Sep 8, 2020, 04:57 Roemer <r.baeris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> I am running Guacamole 1.2.0 in Docker (behind nginx). I added a device to
> some RDP connections in order to upload/download files.
> Now when I upload files of around 200mb size, the files upload correctly
> and
> are visible in the device in the VM. But now when downloading, I very often
> (+90% of the time), I get disconnected from the VM while the transfer is in
> progress. ...

Do you see warnings in your Tomcat logs about the HTTP tunnel being used?

It may be that something is interfering with WebSocket, causing Guacamole
to fall back to HTTP. There is a known issue with the HTTP tunnel vs. file
downloads resulting from browser limitations in the maximum number of
concurrent HTTP connections allowed per domain:


- Mike

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