We aren’t allowed to use telnet, but we do have the proper ports configured to 
be open on each target firewall (i.e port 5900-5903 for VNC, 3389 for RDP, 
etc.).  Here’s what I get when I run in debug and try to connect:

[r...@ose-access.tc.secure-ose.faa.gov ~]#/usr/local/sbin/guacd -f -L debug
guacd[39983]: INFO:     Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.2.0 started
guacd[39983]: DEBUG:    Successfully bound socket to host, port 4822
guacd[39983]: INFO:     Listening on host, port 4822
guacd[39983]: INFO:     Creating new client for protocol "vnc"
guacd[39983]: INFO:     Connection ID is "$a526ad4e-753c-4614-8d58-324d6bf7c689"
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: size
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: audio
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: video
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: image
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Processing instruction: timezone
guacd[40000]: INFO:     Cursor rendering: local
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "swap-red-blue" omitted. Using default value 
of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "read-only" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "color-depth" omitted. Using default value of 
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "dest-port" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "encodings" omitted. Using default value of 
"zrle ultra copyrect hextile zlib corre rre raw".
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "autoretry" omitted. Using default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "reverse-connect" omitted. Using default 
value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "listen-timeout" omitted. Using default value 
of 5000.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-audio" omitted. Using default value 
of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "enable-sftp" omitted. Using default value of 
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-hostname" omitted. Using default value 
of "ose-admin.tc.secure-ose.faa.gov".
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-port" omitted. Using default value of 
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-username" omitted. Using default value 
of "".
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-password" omitted. Using default value 
of "".
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-passphrase" omitted. Using default 
value of "".
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-root-directory" omitted. Using default 
value of "/".
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-server-alive-interval" omitted. Using 
default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-disable-download" omitted. Using 
default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "sftp-disable-upload" omitted. Using default 
value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-name" omitted. Using default value 
of "recording".
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-exclude-output" omitted. Using 
default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-exclude-mouse" omitted. Using 
default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "recording-include-keys" omitted. Using 
default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "create-recording-path" omitted. Using 
default value of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-copy" omitted. Using default value 
of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "disable-paste" omitted. Using default value 
of 0.
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Parameter "wol-send-packet" omitted. Using default 
value of 0.
guacd[40000]: INFO:     User "@dc82b683-22c9-47ae-9104-cb2c6e4b9994" joined 
connection "$a526ad4e-753c-4614-8d58-324d6bf7c689" (1 users now present)
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Client is using protocol version "VERSION_1_1_0"
guacd[40000]: ERROR:    Unable to connect to VNC server.
guacd[40000]: INFO:     User "@dc82b683-22c9-47ae-9104-cb2c6e4b9994" 
disconnected (0 users remain)
guacd[40000]: INFO:     Last user of connection 
"$a526ad4e-753c-4614-8d58-324d6bf7c689" disconnected
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Requesting termination of client...
guacd[40000]: DEBUG:    Client terminated successfully.
guacd[39983]: INFO:     Connection "$a526ad4e-753c-4614-8d58-324d6bf7c689" 


From: Stefan Bogdan Cimpeanu <bog...@cimpeanu.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:10 PM
To: user@guacamole.apache.org
Subject: Re: Issues with RDP and VNC in Guacamole 1.2

You can stop the guacd service and start it in foreground with debug mode like 
/usr/local/sbin/guacd -f -L debug

Would give more insights.

Just to clarify: I asked if there’s port connectivity from the guacamole box to 
the targets. Like can you telnet on 3389 from the guacamole box to your Windows 


On 12 Nov 2020, at 23:05, Devine, Harry (FAA) 
<harry.dev...@faa.gov.INVALID<mailto:harry.dev...@faa.gov.INVALID>> wrote:

Absolutely.  I can connect to them from outside of Guacamole, and when I try to 
connect from within Guacamole, I get the “Home/Reconnect” error box immediately.


From: Stefan Bogdan Cimpeanu <bog...@cimpeanu.org<mailto:bog...@cimpeanu.org>>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:04 PM
To: user@guacamole.apache.org<mailto:user@guacamole.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Issues with RDP and VNC in Guacamole 1.2

These durations sure look like timeouts.
Are you sure you have port connectivity from your guacamole box to the target 


On 12 Nov 2020, at 20:52, Devine, Harry (FAA) 
<harry.dev...@faa.gov.INVALID<mailto:harry.dev...@faa.gov.INVALID>> wrote:

We are trying to setup a VNC connection 2 servers: 1 is RHEL 7 and 1 is RHEL 8, 
and 1 RDP connection to a Windows 10 box that we have.

For the RHEL servers, we get the following errors in /var/log/messages:

Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[21334]: Creating new client for protocol "vnc"
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[21334]: Connection ID is 
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: Cursor rendering: local
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: User 
"@7a218333-8f7b-44be-a08e-4d41e996d432" joined connection 
"$b937cff4-7321-4ca9-9e16-0a3074db666f" (1 users now present)
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access server: 13:47:02.314 [http-bio-8080-exec-55] INFO  
o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "harry.devine" connected to connection 
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access server: 13:47:02.314 [http-bio-8080-exec-55] INFO  
o.a.g.t.h.RestrictedGuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - Using HTTP tunnel (not 
WebSocket). Performance may be sub-optimal.
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: VNC server supports protocol version 
3.8 (viewer 3.8)
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: We have 2 security types to read
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: 0) Received security type 19
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: Selecting security type 19 (0/2 in the 
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: 1) Received security type 2
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: Selected Security Scheme 19
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: Failed to initialized GnuTLS: Error in 
public key generation..
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: Unable to connect to VNC server.
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: User 
"@7a218333-8f7b-44be-a08e-4d41e996d432" disconnected (0 users remain)
Nov 12 13:47:02 ose-access guacd[36970]: Last user of connection 
"$b937cff4-7321-4ca9-9e16-0a3074db666f" disconnected
Nov 12 13:47:07 ose-access guacd[21334]: Connection 
"$b937cff4-7321-4ca9-9e16-0a3074db666f" removed.
Nov 12 13:47:17 ose-access server: 13:47:17.399 [http-bio-8080-exec-55] INFO  
o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "harry.devine" disconnected from 
connection "11". Duration: 15085 milliseconds
Nov 12 13:47:17 ose-access server: 13:47:17.407 [http-bio-8080-exec-55] ERROR 
o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - HTTP tunnel request failed: Connection to 
guacd timed out.
Nov 12 13:47:17 ose-access server: 13:47:17.407 [http-bio-8080-exec-56] INFO  
o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "harry.devine" disconnected from 
connection "11". Duration: 15093 milliseconds

For the RDP connection, we get:

Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access guacd[21334]: Creating new client for protocol "rdp"
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access guacd[21334]: Connection ID is 
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access guacd[36938]: Security mode: TLS
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access guacd[36938]: Resize method: none
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access guacd[36938]: User 
"@aa01b7af-8e97-456e-8c5e-a36b8ad956d9" joined connection 
"$5dcee526-43dd-4a5a-88e2-8c9a830716ff" (1 users now present)
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access server: 13:45:49.769 [http-bio-8080-exec-55] INFO  
o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "harry.devine" connected to connection 
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access server: 13:45:49.769 [http-bio-8080-exec-55] INFO  
o.a.g.t.h.RestrictedGuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - Using HTTP tunnel (not 
WebSocket). Performance may be sub-optimal.
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access guacd[36938]: Loading keymap "base"
Nov 12 13:45:49 ose-access guacd[36938]: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
Nov 12 13:45:50 ose-access guacd[36938]: Error connecting to RDP server
Nov 12 13:45:50 ose-access guacd[36938]: User 
"@aa01b7af-8e97-456e-8c5e-a36b8ad956d9" disconnected (0 users remain)
Nov 12 13:45:50 ose-access guacd[36938]: Last user of connection 
"$5dcee526-43dd-4a5a-88e2-8c9a830716ff" disconnected
Nov 12 13:45:50 ose-access guacd[21334]: Connection 
"$5dcee526-43dd-4a5a-88e2-8c9a830716ff" removed.
Nov 12 13:46:00 ose-access server: 13:46:00.178 [http-bio-8080-exec-51] INFO  
o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "harry.devine" disconnected from 
connection "9". Duration: 10409 milliseconds
Nov 12 13:46:00 ose-access server: 13:46:00.179 [http-bio-8080-exec-63] INFO  
o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "harry.devine" disconnected from 
connection "9". Duration: 10410 milliseconds

We can use MobaXterm to get to all 3 servers successfully, so it can’t be the 
VNC server or RDP server on the target machines.  So, what can we look at on 
Guacamole to get this to work?


Harry Devine
Secure-OSE Administrator
Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)
Building 300, 3rd floor, Column L20 (3L20)

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