Thank you for your answer!
Is there any workaround?
Looks like Gluu allways use state parameter and there is no way to turn it off :(
Only thing that i could find is here - https://gluu.org/docs/gluu-server/4.2/api-guide/openid-connect-api/
state - false :(
03.01.2021, 23:32, "Nick Couchman" <vn...@apache.org>:
On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 2:38 PM Владислав Львов <tobes...@yandex.ru> wrote:
I need help with OpenID
My project:
I need to provide users with access to remote desktops (RDP) via browser.
But I want to use standalone server like Gluu (the one that we are currently using) or even better - Keycloak, so we won't have to use Guacamole for authorization. I tested both of them, the result looks quite the same.
Now setup is over. I open browser and try to go to https://guac.homelab
I enter login and password and get into the loop as it's shown in the videos:
It's possible you're running into this issue:
Certain OpenID providers require the "state" parameter, even though the specification for that flow doesn't explicitly call it out. 
Guacamole logs are attached below or available here: https://dropmefiles.com/d2D95
Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?
My colleagues suggest that the problem could be in the character #, which is used by Guacamole. Could it be the reason of the issue?
No, I don't think the "#" in the URL is causing an issue - I believe it's likely the lack of the state parameter.
Львов Влад

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