On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 2:56 PM David Brodbeck <brodb...@math.ucsb.edu>

> On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 11:50 AM Mike Jumper <mike.jum...@glyptodon.com>
> wrote:
>> You would need to tell the *system-wide linker* where to find these
>> libraries. When support for a protocol is loaded, guacd does this by
>> requesting that the system-wide linker load the library
>> "libguac-client-PROTOCOLNAME.so". If those libraries are installed to a
>> non-standard location that will not be searched by the linker, this will
>> fail.
>> You need to add this new "/opt/guacamole/lib" path to the set of paths
>> searched by the system-wide linker. This is normally set within
>> "/etc/ld.so.conf.d" or "/etc/ld.so.conf". Alternatively, you could manually
>> set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when starting guacd.
> Hmm, OK. I saw that configure ran "ldconfig -n /opt/guacamole/lib" and
> figured that would take care of it, but apparently not.
> I realized my other installation was in /usr/local, so I changed the
> prefix to that and reinstalled. It works now. I was trying to be too cute
> putting it in /opt, I think. (I like to separate locally compiled stuff
> from packaged stuff, hence /opt.)
I routinely install into /opt/guac, and the only time I've run into issues
was when there was a much older install of Guacamole already in that
directory, and some competing libraries. In those cases I ended up just
blowing away the entire /opt/guacd directory, since it doesn't have
anything but binaries in my case, and re-doing the "make install", then
restart gaucd. That seemed to correct issues I've seen.


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