
I assume it's actually working?

At info/warning level I tend not to get to bothered about such log messages, indeed when I looked for info the (admittedly odd) [com.google.inject.internal.util.$Finalizer] entry the data I found simply said 'it could be safely ignored'. However others here may have better insight than me...

Depending upon how you configured it you could be outputting the debug detail to the console, this link may assist you in how/where to output to file: http://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html

On 27/04/21 5:53 am, JimR wrote:
Hello - hoping for some guidance on what, if anything, can be done for a few
things I'm noticing in catalina.out when the guacamole server starts up. I
did a quick search and was unable to find these mentioned anywhere else.

I get the following message twice in a row (same stack trace for each)
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [warning] The web application [guacamole] appears to
have started a thread named [com.google.inject.internal.util.$Finalizer] but
has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack
trace of thread:
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]
java.base@ Method)
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]

I get the following message four times in the course of startup:

[2021-04-26 12:41:02] [info] At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet
contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list
of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded
JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.

I enabled debug logging by creating a logback.xml file in
/etc/guacamole...but get no additional information. Where should I be

This is Guacamole 1.3.0 on Debian 10 using Tomcat 9.0.31, JVM version


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