On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 2:40 PM Regev Batchen <batch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey thank you for your answer!
> I have upgraded it to 1.3.0 and it got stuck again with db error
> guacd[7]: DEBUG:     Error reading "select": End of stream reached while
> reading instruction
> And db shows
> 3T14:59:26.208975652Z                   $22740::integer
> ^[[36mpostgres_gqm_1    |^[[0m 2021-09-13T14:59:26.208977856Z
>    ,
> ^[[36mpostgres_gqm_1    |^[[0m 2021-09-13T14:59:26.208980045Z
>       $22741::integer
> ^[[36mpostgres_gqm_1    |^[[0m 2021-09-13T14:59:26.208982374Z
>    )
> ^[[36mpostgres_gqm_1    |^[[0m 2021-09-13T14:59:26.208984696Z
> GROUP BY guacamole_connection.connection_id
> Looks like some quary from guacamole got it stuck this time not like other
> times before the upgrade ( have upgraded docker and compose and guacamole)
> I will see this days if this happened again i really think the last issue
> i had with a quary making psql stuck is not a docker issue..
> My last resort now is to make a script that automatically restart
> guacamole containers when they get stuck or db gqm
> Thank you and if you have any ides about the last gqm db error i will look
> into whatever u suggest!
Have you tried restarting the DB container?



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