On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 7:48 AM Stratton, Craig
<craig.strat...@pspsl.co.uk.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am continually running into this error and cannot seem to resolve it.
> “The Guacamole server is denying access to this connection because you
> have exhausted the limit for simultaneous connection use by an individual
> user. Please close one or more connections and try again.”
> There are no connections listed for the user when I look to close them.
> I have some connections set with default blank number of connections per
> user, some with 1 some with 10, but it happens on all of them.
> I can connect, disconnect, reconnect fine after creating a new connection,
> then if I try again the following day I get that error, even after closing
> properly.
> I have not set any of the guacamole.properties file entries to override
> any defaults on number of connections, as the way I read the manual, there
> are no limits by default.
> If I stop and restart guacd and tomcat, it makes no difference and still
> cannot connect, it will just randomly start working again after some
> undetermined timeout?

Just to note, here, guacd is not related to this issue, as the connection
tracking, including simultaneous connections, is done by Tomcat/Guacamole
Client. I say that only to note that restarting guacd isn't going to do
anything for this. Restarting Tomcat should clear things out, but you
shouldn't need to mess with guacd. That said, guacd logs may help you to
determine if an unexpected connection is coming through, so might not be a
bad idea to pay attention to those.

What version of Guacamole are you running? What configuration - Docker or
native, MySQL, Postgres, etc.?



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