Hi Baptiste,

Am 04.10.21 um 19:31 schrieb Baptiste:

Has anyone managed to add an extension in guacamole official image from docker hub ? If I bind the /root/.guacamole/extension ( default GUACAMOLE_HOME for the image ) to any host folder or non-existent folder to let docker create it, the following error keeps repeating :
rm: cannot remove '/root/.guacamole/extensions': Device or resource busy
However if I don't bind the volume, try to add manually the .jar in extensions and restart the container then the content of extensions folder will be removed, apart from the |guacamole-auth-jdbc-postgresql-1.3.0.jar natively present|.

I added the following folder mapping to the guacamole container (docker-compose):

|... volumes: - ./guachome:/guachome - ./extensions:/guachome/extensions ... |

I successfully use some extensions with this setup.

My folder structure:

|./extensions/branding.jar ./extensions/guacamole-auth-quickconnect-1.3.0.jar ./guachome/guacamole.properties |

and my |./guachome/guacamole.properties|

|# guacamole.properties enable-environment-properties: true |

More info: https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/guacamole-docker.html#guacamole-docker-guacamole-home




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