On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 7:04 AM _mirohe _ <miguelrodriguezherna...@gmail.com>

> I have problems with unit share disk in RDP
> environment used:
> docker guacamole 1.3.0 on debian jessie
> client machine for rdp ubuntu 20.04
> I have mounted the system to access from guacamole to ubuntu 20.04 by
> rdp. Ubuntu has installed the xrdp server from the official repository
> version 0.9.12-1 which I access perfectly from guacamole in a
> graphical environment.
> by default the system mounts me the share disk in
> /home/profesor/thinclient_drives/GUACFS , and executing the mount
> command in terminal tells me that it is mounted
> $ mount | grep xrdp-chansrv
> xrdp-chansrv on /home/profesor/thinclient_drives type
> fuse.xrdp-chansrv
> (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1004,group_id=1005)
> The "id" an "group_id" are from the correct "profesor" user.
> the folder permissions are also correct to be able to write by the user.
> drwx------ 1 profesor profesor 0 oct 8 09:20 thinclient_drives
> drwx------ 1 profesor profesor 4096 oct 8 09:28 GUACFS
> but if I try to create a file in in directory thinclient_drives or
> GUACFS it says: "File or directory does not exist" or "No such file or
> directory"
> I have also modified the permissions of the directory to allow
> everyone to access with "chmod 777 -R thinclient_drives" but it does
> not work
> I don't know what can happen but it happens to me in guacamole version
> 1.2.0 as in version 1.3.0.
> I would appreciate help to know what I am doing wrong
The folder you are sharing out on the server running guacd - have you
verified that the user running guacd has access to that folder?


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