
If I understand your system correctly I suggest you're missing out on the full benefits of Guacamole.

My experience of VNC direct (which is what I take you to be doing) is that it can be quite slow, especially with limited bandwidth. Given the same bandwidth capacity I have found Guacamole to give a much improved experience.

Depending upon other things the Pi's are doing I expect you should have sufficient resource to run Guacamole on them. Out of interest I tried it on a Pi3 and it was ok - not as good as on a later Intel box, but more than adequate for 2G - a Pi 4 should be somewhat better.

On 14/12/21 9:19 am, Timo Nisula wrote:
We need to support mobile devices which are behind of slow links (2G / LTE-M) 
and most often those are on rural area where mobile network coverage is not the 
best one.

I have tested guacamole little bit and it works better than teamviewer/anydesk 
on those slow (sometime also unreliable) connections.
What I have tested these connections to remote devices, it somewhere 7-15kB/s 
(60-120kbits) and latency 150-400ms.

My setup is following:
- on  our office (fiber connection) I have installed guacamole and guacd on 
virtual server
- from that virtual server there is OpenVPN tunnel to IoT Operator network
- remote device has 2G/LTE-M modem, Raspberry Pi 4 and two devices which only 
offers VNC connection
- to connect those VNC device I have tested guacamole

Because we have some computing power left on those Raspberry Pi's I started to 
think should I install guacd on Raspberry Pi? Or is it even smart move? Or are 
any other optimization what I can do?


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