I finally made it past the initial redirection to the IdP.
The IdP admin properly allowed my Guacamole SP, and now I can see that the 
client browsers are being redirected to the IdP authentication portal as 
When the user authenticates correctly, he/she is redirected back to Guacamole.

However, this is where it fails because the browser goes into a redirection 
loop. It is sent back to the IdP portal, but since the user is already 
authenticated there, it is immediately redirected to Guacamole, and so on and 
so forth.

So I guess mu "callback" setting is wrong (or something else in my config). 
Here is my guac configt:

guacd-port: 4822
api-session-timeout: 1

ldap-port: 636
ldap-encryption-method: ssl
ldap-user-base-dn: cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=org
ldap-config-base-dn: cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=org
ldap-group-base-dn: cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=org
ldap-username-attribute: cn
ldap-user-search-filter: ##whatever##

extension-priority: saml
saml-idp-metadata-url: https://idp.domain.org/shibboleth
saml-entity-id: https://guacamole.domain.org
saml-callback-url: https://guacamole.domain.org
saml-debug: true
#saml-strict: false

I'm not sure if saml-callback-url is correct here.
Without the SAML extension enabled, a web client can connect to 
https://guacamole.domain.org and see the Guacamole login page. The user can 
login with the LDAP credentials just fine.

What should I look for?

This is what shows up in the Tomcat log file over and over (loops until 
client/user closes the web page/window/tab):

DEBUG c.onelogin.saml2.authn.AuthnRequest - AuthNRequest --> 
<samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" 
ID="ONELOGIN_775858fa-4352-4b54-bba8-d45edb28a31f" Version="2.0" 
IssueInstant="2022-03-16T20:50:07Z" Destination="https://idp.domain.org/SSO"; 
AllowCreate="true" /></samlp:AuthnRequest>
DEBUG o.a.g.a.l.AuthenticationProviderService - Anonymous bind is not currently 
allowed by the LDAP authentication provider.
DEBUG o.a.g.a.f.FileAuthenticationProvider - User mapping file 
"/etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml" does not exist and will not be read.
DEBUG o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Anonymous authentication attempt 
from x.x.x.x failed.
DEBUG o.a.g.rest.RESTExceptionMapper - Client request rejected: Redirecting to 

Should the saml-callback-url value be 
"https://guacamole.domain.org/api/ext/saml/callback"; instead?

It's not mentioned in the Apache Guacamole documentation found here: 



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